Hydrogen Vehicle Systems Ltd is committed to managing a Health and Safety Management System that is based on recognised standards and best practice.
We aim to be a leading example in health, safety, and wellbeing practices with the intention, to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all colleagues.
Our continuous goal is to provide an accident-free, safe, and healthy workplace to prevent work related injury and ill health.
Under my leadership, HVS will prioritise the Health and Safety requirements of the business and its team alongside my fellow Senior Leadership Team who will attach a similar level of priority to Health and Safety issues and all of us will work to continuously review our Health and Safety practices.
HVS is committed to meet all relevant legislative requirements, and I will ensure implementation of systems and practices to eliminate hazards and reduce Health and Safety risks, so far as is reasonably practicable, following the hierarchy of control.
Resources will be made available to support our Health and Safety Management System. HVS is committed to ensuring that employees are provided with relevant information, instruction, and training; and each year I will publish our Health and Safety Plan and priorities, and I will seek feedback from all employees on how we can continuously improve.
It is recognised that within an organisation with diverse employees that any Health and Safety Management System can only be successful if there is participation across the whole workforce. Opportunities for employee consultation are an important aspect of our management system.
It is my expectation that every single employee works with me to maintain a high-performance business culture. I expect everyone to take personal responsibility for working in a safe manner and for ensuring that, through their own acts or omissions, they do not do anything that could potentially jeopardise their own health and safety, or that of others.
Jawad Khursheed
Chief Executive Officer
Issued: August 2023